The Cosmos and Human Life
------An Infinite and Circular Cosmic Modal And A Possibility of Gods’ Derivation------
Prof. Ge Lu, L.Ac., Ph.D
Hero-Bearing Medical Center
2225 S. King Road, San Jose CA, 95122 U.S.A.
(Tel): 408-217-6516
(Fig. 1)
The author puts forward an infinite and circular cosmic model. It is held that what we could observe is only one unit among the innumerable units of the cosmos that is called the Home Cosmic Unit (HCU). The HCU is formed with the explosion of Cosmic Unit Black Holes (CUBH), i.e. Mother Black Holes (MBH). Countless cosmic units that experience different developing phases include formation from CUBH, explosion, development, maturing, licked up phase by other forming CUBH constitute the infinite and circular cosmos. The shell fragments and dust (a part of dark matter) created by the big bang of CUBH compose the nuclei of galaxies, stars or even original planets and determine their shapes and motive patterns. The center of CUBH is a non-polon group formed by the splitting of gravitons and a repulsion source for the explosion and expansion of cosmic unit that belongs to the part of dark energy. The gravitation of adjacent cosmic units (ACU) to the HCU is the other part of dark energy that is the main energy for the current accelerating expansion of the HCU.
The author advances three laws of the cosmos:
(1) The cosmos is infinite: Its space carrying all the things and changes is boundless and limitless; its time describing the speed of all changes is without beginning or end.
(2) The cosmos is circular: It is units of cosmic unit. Countless cosmic units that experience different developing phases include formation from CUBH, explosion, development, maturing, licked up phase by other forming CUBH constitute the infinite and circular cosmos.
(3) The cosmos is itself generational and completely automatic running.
The infinite and circular cosmic model can explain the observed why is the initial Home Cosmic Unit there is a phase of inflation and later decelerated expansion and the current accelerating expansion; can explain in the standard model is required after the Big Bang 4.5 billion years to form galaxies, quasars, etc., but can be able to see one billion years after the Big Bang; can explain why in the Home Cosmic Unit , according to observations, dark energy is 72.8%; dark matter is 22.7%; ordinary matter is 4.5%; can explain why there were the heavier elements in the early Home Cosmic Units and other.
Proposed the human being should reach the different speed of the cosmos, on behalf of the varying degrees of human evolution. First cosmic speed: the object velocity reaches a balance with the Earth’ gravitational force can rotate without falling around the Earth. Second cosmic speed: the speed of an object can force out of the Earth’s gravity is reached in the solar system. Third cosmic speed: force the speed of an object can reach out of the solar system, and can run in the Milky Way. Fourth cosmic speed: force the speed of an object can reach out the Milky Way, can be run in the local group of galaxies. Fifth cosmic speed: the force can the object velocity reaches out of the local group of galaxies, can be run in the galaxy superior. The sixth cosmic speed: force speed of an object can be reached out of the galaxy superior, run in the Home cosmic unit. The seventh cosmic speed: force speed of an object can be reached out of the Home cosmic unit, run in the cosmos. Humans have only reached the sixth or seventh cosmic speed, forever will it be possible in the cosmos. The energy of Home cosmic unit black hole during the Big bang should far exceed the seventh cosmic speed energy needed before the formation of the visible Home cosmic unit today. It is not possible to retraction and Big Rip into the original Home cosmic unit black hole.
The author points out the developing phases of human beings include (1) The embryonic phase: from inorganic substances to humans written records. (2) The infantile: from human written records to exploration of extraterrestrial space. (3) The preschool: from began to explore the outer space to walk freely in the solar system. (4) The youth: From out of the solar system to a walk in the Milky Way. (5) The adult: from out of the Milky Way galaxy to walk freely in the Home cosmic unit. (6) The eternal life: from out of the Home cosmic unit to walk freely other cosmic units. Currently, human beings are just in the transition of phase from infantile to preschool.
Human beings should realize society in harmony; carry out scientific research continuously; promote development of human beings and strive to master all the laws of nature. All the goals must be achieved in time so that humans can leave the Earth before it is destroyed; leave the solar system before it is destroyed; leave the Galaxy before it is destroyed; leave HCU before it is destroyed. Only in this way, can human beings move freely in the cosmos fending off calamities and get good luck and achieve the goal of eternal existence. Otherwise, there will no future for human beings and they will be inevitably destroyed by natural disasters. This is not the prospect for human beings. There should be remembered forever by the descendants of human beings.
(Fig. 2)
Key Words:
Infinite and circular cosmic model (CICM)
Cosmic infinite
Cosmic circulation
Cosmic unit (CU)
Home cosmic unit (HCU)
Adjacent cosmic unit (ACU)
Black hole (BH)
Cosmic unit black hole (CUBH)
Home cosmic unit black hole (HCUBH)
Potential energy (PE)
Big Bang of HCUBH
Explosive expansion of HCU
Decelerated expansion of HCU
Accelerating expansion of HCU
Graviton splitting
BH’s radius as the graviton splitting
Graviton shell of CUBH
Non-polon group in CUBH
Dark matter (DM)
Fragments of the shell of CUBH
Star seed
Collapse of the stars
Ordinary matter (OM)
Dark energy (DE)
Repulsion of non-polon
HCUBH’s potential energy to ACU (HPEA)
Gravitation of ACU
HCU’s summation of the matter-energy (HSME)
Galaxy formation
Left hand spiral galaxy
Right hand spiral galaxy
Barred spiral galaxy
Human beings (HBs)
Embryonic phase of HBs
Infantile phase of HBs
Preschool phase of HBs
Youth phase of HBs
Adult phase of HBs
Eternal phase of HBs
Spherical galaxy
Irregular galaxy
Star Formation
Dark status
First cosmic velocity, Circular velocity or Orbital velocity
Second cosmic velocity, or Earth escape velocity
Third cosmic velocity, or Solar system escape velocity
Fourth cosmic velocity, or Milky Way escape velocity
Fifth cosmic velocity, or Galactic cluster escape velocity
Sixth cosmic velocity, or Galactic superior escape velocity
Seventh cosmic velocity, or Cosmic unit escape velocity
God creationism (devising theory)
I. An Infinite and Circular Cosmos
(I) (I) Simple review of other cosmic models:
1. Geocentric Theory
2. Heliocentric Theory (Fig. 3)
3. Steady State Theory
4. Blowing Away Theory (Fig. 4)
5. Parallelism Theory
6. Big Bang Theory (Fig. 5)
7. Catapulting Model
8. “ Membrane “ Model
9. String Theory (Fig.6)
These models reflect the observed number of local conditions but dynamics of the cosmos did not give a reason. Therefore, they can not explain the observed why is the initial cosmic unit there is a phase of inflation and later decelerated expansion and the current accelerating expansion; not explain why the standard model to be 4.5 billion years after the Big Bang to the formation of galaxies, quasars, etc., in one billion years after the Big Bang can be seen; not explain why in the Home Cosmic Unit , according to observations, dark energy is 72.8%; dark matter is 22.7%; ordinary matter is 4.5%; not explain why there were the heavier elements in the early Home cosmic units. I have the following "An infinite and circular cosmic model" can explain these issues and others.
(II) An Infinite and Circular Cosmic Model:
The Cosmos is constituted with countless cosmic units. (Fig. 7)
1. Home Cosmic Unit (HCU): The cosmic unit in which we exist is called the home cosmic unit. It is formed by the Big Bang of a cosmic unit black hole (CUBH) rotating at high speed. Therefore, the home cosmic unit is also rotating and shape of a “ convex mirror”.
2. Adjacent Cosmic Units (ACU): The units are situated around the HCU. Their gravitation is pulling the galaxies in HCU to outside. So see, HCU is expanding.
3. Cosmic Parts among Units (CPAU): It is the remnant part of the old cosmic unit being consumed by adjacent cosmic units black hole.
4. The Formation and Evolution of Cosmic Unit.
(1) Formation of Cosmic Unit Black Holes (CUBH): (fig 8)
A. After big bang, biggest shell fragment of preceding CUBH forms primordial base of a next CUBH (a biggest primordial black hole) to attract other celestial matter, eventually forms a new CUBH.
B. The existing very large or ultra-large black holes attract each other, collide, merge into form a new CUBH.
(2) Structure of CUBH:
A. Shell: Graviton Layer. It is made up of the particles in graviton level that are with the strongest gravitation. All the material that is attracted into CUBH, the final level is splitting gravitation particles to form the back hole or the shell layer of CUBH.
B. Center: Non-polon Group. Non-polon is a structure after the graviton splitting. In the center of CUBH, when the temperature and pressure of a very high value, the closed string graviton splitting open string or debris, call as the non-polon that is loss of gravity, the source of repulsive force, explosion power and expansion force in the cosmic unit. Non-polon is the smallest unit of matter and energy, in the cosmos "ex nihilo" source material also.
(3) Possible reasons of Explosion of CUBH: (Fig.9)
A. Maladjustment of the balance between the graviton layer (shell) and non-polon repulsion;
B. Enormous celestial body is attracted, collides, and forms explosion.
(4) Just beginning cosmic unit, when the status of the CUBH explosion as the dark status:
The composition of CUBH is black graviton particles in the shell and the non- polon in the core. They
are much smaller than the photon, no light, it is called black hole. The explosion of CUBH in just
beginning, the products include: shell fragments, isolated gravitons and non-polons. They also do not
shine. Thus, during this period is as the dark status. Expected, if the human optical system only
observation, we can only see the dark status. To learn the adjacent cosmic units (ACU),
human beings can only work hard in gravity.
(5) Quasars are more in the early cosmic unit:
The dark status to the further development of its
temperature and pressure is reduced. Dropped to a certain value, the non-polons and the gravitons
self-organize into such as photons, electrons, etc., and enter the time can be observed. Shell fragments
have been there, as the star seeds, only into the era of particles to be observed, attracted to the material
with gravity to form primitive stars, galaxies. The original stars, galaxy density is high, the collision
probability is relatively large. Furthermore, CUBH before the big bang, around it to attract other stars,
galaxies are more higher density. After the big bang, shell fragments (star seeds) and the newly
formed stars, galaxies with the other stars, galaxies that each other are attracted, collided probability is
higher. Thus, today’s observation: in the early HCU to see quasars (stars, galaxies collided and
exploded) are more than in the recently. Attracted to it around the other stars and galaxies
substances are broken down into tiny particles in Big Bang, but from its a little far from
stellar material, are likely to retain its heavy element composition, while today's
(6) Result of the Explosion of CUBH (Big Bang): (Fig.10)
A. Shell Fragments: It forms large or small innumerable lesser black holes (primordial black holes) or dust which compose the nucleus of galaxies, stars or even the original planets. Biggest fragment could compose a primitive nucleus of new CUBH. The shapes and motions of the original shell fragments (“star seed“) formed at the explosion moment decide the shapes and motions of the original galaxies, stars or even planets: rotate left, rotate right, barred spiral, straight, etc. And they suffer from the influence of surrounding celestial bodies and finally form the shapes and motions we see now after the long years. The shock, rotating from the non-polon and graviton plasma to form stars, galaxies, the process in the HCU can exist, but not the stars, galaxies form the mainstream. This is a product of special conditions that need in 4.5 billion years. (Fig.17)
B. Central Non-polons: Small section of the non-polons (less than 5%) forms the particles at every graviton level under the function of self-organization during the gradual decrease of pressure and temperature. They then with the gravitons compose the particles at the electron, photon and quark-gluon levels, further constitute protons, neutrons, even molecules, substance, human, world today and the cosmic unit itself. Most section of the non-polons (more than 95%), as the repulsion of cosmic unit, accelerate the expansion of the cosmic unit at the early and medium stages and form one part of present “dark energy” (Fig.11).
(7) The end of Cosmic Unit (Fig.12):
Various objects from the big bang of CUBH zoom out to full 360 degrees, and form a new cosmic unit. Each part of the cosmic unit from the big bang ends the big crunch, but the collapse is in different parts of the cosmic unit, carries out at different time. The decision is by the distance between the area of its recent home and the nearest CUBH that is attracting it. In other words, the cosmic unit will fall apart, each apart separately toward different direction of the nearest CUBH. The apart eventually become the new raw materials of the CUBH. The compositions of a CUBH are from different cosmic units. Instead of a cosmic unit, the big bang crunch recurring; more than the process of the cosmos. The cosmos has been made so that by the repeated changes of the numerous cosmic units as “ metabolism” composition. Only in this way, cosmos may be infinite, circular, flat, great scale is homogeneous. Time, speed, multi-dimensional space, are that the changes in the function of infinite space. May the wisdom of human beings to further prove it, or deny it.
5. Different Layers of Energy Release:
(1) Macroscopic Layer: Comply with Newton’s law.
(2) Microcosmic Layer (Photon Layer): Comply with the energy formula E=MC2 of Einstein.
(3) Gravitation-Non-polon Layer: Unknown. The greater possibility is greater.
6. Dark matter and dark energy: (Fig.13)
(1) Dark Matter (DM): It is composed of two parts.
A. The shell products (some may release or volatilize) occurred after the big bang of CUBH.
B. The black holes formed because of collapse of the celestial bodies due to gravitation.
(2) Dark Energy (DE): It is also composed of two parts:
A, Non-polons: After the big bang of CUBH, more than 95% of central non-polons constitute the dark energy (DE-I) of a cosmic unit. It is the main energy promoting the expansion of the home cosmic unit at the early and medium stages. There is only less than 5% of non-polon self-organize under different conditions and compose all the things of present HCU together with dark matter.
B, Gravitation (DE-II) from the Adjacent Cosmic Units (ACU) to HCU: It is the main energy accelerating the expansion of the HCU at medium and late stages. The rapid HCU expansion now seeing is due to such energy. (Fig.13, 14)
7. The Summation of the matter and energy (SM-E) in the Home Cosmic Unit (HCU): (Fig.14)
The calculation with the infinite and circular cosmic theoretical model, based on the SM-E in the HCU is a constant (actually, the energy exchange exists between the HCU and the ACU, such as gravitation exchange. The energy of HCU also has a “leak”), shows that CUBH before the big bang, the shell (dark matter, DM)’s total matter-energy is about equal to the central non-polon (dark energy I, DE I)’s total matter-energy. In this way, the CUBH can maintain balance and exist for a long time.
The CUBH’s total potential energy (PE, dark energy II, DE II) to ACU is equal to CUBH’s total matter-energy (DM+DE I). DE II=DM+DE I
That is, to the CUBH in the entire cosmos for view:
its potential energy (DE II) to ACU accounted for SME to 1/2;
Its shell (DM) accounted for SME to 1/4;
Its central non-polon repulsion (DE I) accounted for SME to 1/4.
HCU after big bang: the central non-polon’s total M-E (DE I) slightly larger than the shell’s total M-E (DM). Thus, it may explode. Meanwhile, the CUBH’s potential energy to ACU in the way of gravitational acceleration into kinetic energy (DE II), together DE I, make the HCU’s substances out flying. The sum of DE I and DE II is certainly more than the total matter-energy of the DM. DE I+DE II>DM Therefore, certainly can’t the HCU itself retract and collapse into a new CUBH. This negates “ the cosmic expansion can be their own retracted, then a big crunch” as well.
The ratio of the SM-E in HCU (currently it is referred to as the “universe”) in different time and in different ways, the observable conclusions are slightly different:
2006 73% 23% 4% (K. Freeman & G. McNamara)(COBE)
2009 71.5% 24% 4%+0.5% (M.S. Turner)(WMAP)
2010 72.8% 22.7% 4.5% (Ron Cown: Science News) (Plank)
The result calculated of the infinite and circular cosmic model:
75% 25%
In the HCU (after the big bang), if considering the proportion of ordinary matter (OM) about from each half of DE and DM:
an half of OM is from DM, the DM: 4.5% / 2=2.25%;
an half of OM is from DE, the DE: 4.5% / 2=2.25%.
The proportion of SM-E in the HCU should be:
75%-2.25%=72.75% 25%-2.25%=22.25% 4.5%
This result is very close to the observable conclusion. Perhaps this is the real existence of the Home Cosmic Unit. (Fig.14)
8, Different velocity of the cosmos: Human beings can achieve different speed of the cosmos, on behalf of the varying degrees of human evolution.
(1) The first cosmic velocity: Speed and power of the object can balance gravity, instead of falling, around the Earth, Known.
(2) The second cosmic velocity: The object speed can force out of Earth’s gravity, can be run in the solar system, known.
(3) The third cosmic velocity: Speed and power out of solar system, objects can be run in the Milky Way, known.
(4) The fourth cosmic velocity: The speed to force the object out of the Milky Way can be run in the local group of galaxies, known.
(5) The fifth cosmic velocity: The object speed can force out of the local group of galaxies, can be run in the galaxy superior, known.
(6) The sixth cosmic velocity: The object speed can force out of the galaxy superior, can be run in the Home Cosmic Unit (HCU), known.
(7) The seventh cosmic velocity: The object speed can force out of the HCU, can be run in the cosmos, known.
Only human beings to reach the sixth or seventh cosmic speed, will it be possible in the cosmos forever. The power of the HCUBH’s big bang must have been over the speed requirements of the seventh, before the formation of the visible today home cosmic unit (HCU). It is not possible to retraction and big crunch into the original cosmic unit black hole.
9. Explainable Cosmic Questions and Physics Problems by the Infinite and Circular Cosmic Model (ICCM):
(1) Provide a viewpoint for the cosmology to justify itself. (Fig.15) The cosmos is infinite, circular, itself generating, eternality and fully automatically evolving. Other models can’t explain these features, especially the dynamics of cosmic evolution. I know this is the only to cosmic structure and evolution to justify itself a point of view. Many details could be verified or denied future generations. However justified itself is only. Hope to for reference. The so-called "universe" generally, only Home Cosmic Unit only.
(2) Explain the existence of the Great Attractor: It may be a candidate of CUBH.
At present, it is attracting our Milky Way and our galaxy cluster, to 1.3 million miles per hour speed
of their flying foreword to it. Perhaps hundreds of millions of years later, there will be the fate of the
Milky Way. (Fig.9, 16)
(3) It could explain the shapes and motion patterns of galaxies, stars and even origin planets:
The countless fragments of varying sizes from the shell of CUBH at moment of the big bang could be called “ star seeds ”. They formed the cores of the galaxies, stars and even origin planets, and then attracted other substances, gradually formed galaxies, stars and even origin planets. These “star seeds” s’ shapes and moving patterns that were formed at moment of the big bang decided the shapes and moving patterns of the galaxies, stars and even origin planets. For example, right hand spiral galaxies: the star seeds are right hand spiral and no smooth; left hand spiral galaxies: the star seeds are left hand spiral and no smooth; barred spiral galaxies: the star seeds are barred and rotate; spherical galaxies: the star seeds are smooth and stable. After 10 billion years and more of mutual attraction, collision, together merger, explosion and other processes, the formation of the galaxy’s, the star’s and even the planet’s shapes and movements seen today. (Fig.10, 17)
(4) It could explain there was galaxy formation in 0.5-1 billion years after the big bang. (Fig.10,17). If “plasma oscillation-rotation theory” to explain, it will need 4.5 billion years.
(5) Explain the vision in the distant border, there are more quasar explosions than the near space. See above: 4, (5).
(6) Explain the explosive expansion, then decelerated explosion and at present observed accelerating expansion of HCU. (Fig.18) All the states are the result that the DE I and DE II act together on the DM and OM. The early expansion of the HCU was extremely rapidly, due to the explosion of the Home Cosmic Unit Black Hole, the result of the continuing role of the non-polon repulsion (dark energy I). With the expansion of the space, the non-polon repulsion density reducing its force with the expansion of HCU was decelerating state. Other way, the gravitation (DE-II) of Adjacent Cosmic Units to the materials within HCU has always existed, just is not obvious in the early days of HCU. With the continuous expansion of the space of the HCU, the internal material from adjacent cosmic unit distance is reduced, so that the gravitational acceleration is more and more obvious. After the expansion of more than 130 million years, the expansion of the HCU into accelerated by the deceleration state. This should be easy to understand. Moreover, it can be expected that this state has been sustained, disappeared until the various parts of the HCU encountered the nearest cosmic unit black hole, its "swallowed". The result of HCU is torn to pieces, the fragmentation of the various parts of HCU will make of new material of a different cosmic unit black holes and eventually disappeared. And other cosmic unit black holes are in the events of an explosion, the development, mature, swallowed by another cosmic unit black holes, and so on.
Also solve the cosmological constant problem. Cosmological constant is not a constant but a variable.
(7) Explain the wave-particle duality of micro-particles: The wave property of micro-particles can be seen as the macro-probability of particle property. (Fig.19)
(8) Foresee the dark status of the very early HCU: The products in big bang of HCUBH at the moment had the non-polons, gravitons (they are much smaller than the photons, so no shine.) and the fragments of shell of HCUBH (dark matter, no shine also). So, this status can call as the dark status. We can foresee if we could see beyond far 0.1 million years after the big bang, there had been dark. See above: 4, (4)
(9) It may change the matter-energy formula. The smallest unit of energy is the non-polons that are from the graviton splitting, no photons. (Fig.20)
(10) Matter-energy great united: All matter and energy have become common in the smallest unit of matter and energy, non-polons, in the center of CUBH under highest temperature and pressure. The non-polons are scattered in the expanse of space and among every material particles. It is the material basis out of nothing. (Fig.15, 21)
(11) Explain the isotropy on a large scale of the Home Cosmic Unit. (Fig.22)
10. The three laws of the cosmos: (Fig.15)
(1) The cosmos is infinite. Its space that is bearing all things is boundless and limitless; its time that is describing the changes of all things is no-start and endless.
(2) The cosmos is circular. The countless cosmic units that experience different developing phases include the formation from CUBH, explosion, development, maturing and licked up phase by other forming CUBH constitute the infinite and circular cosmos.
(3) The cosmos is itself generating and running completely automatic. Everything in the cosmos in accordance with the laws of nature in its becoming a fully automatic, not the people’s will.
II. The Earth Status in Home Cosmic Unit (HCU): (Fig.23)
(I) The Earth is a planet in the solar system. It is a very special “water ball” and develops life.
(II) There are at least 200 billion stars similar to the Sun in the Milky Way Galaxy. (Fig.24)
(III) There are at least 100 billion galaxies similar to the Milky Way Galaxy in the HCU according to current observation and calculation. (Fig.25)
(IV) The galaxy cluster and the galaxy superior: Many close galaxies (Fig.26) form a cluster of galaxies; many close clusters form a superior of galaxies. By the galaxies, clusters and superiors constitute the Home Cosmic Unit on the scale of network structure. This is a result of the interaction of the forces among the non-polon repulsion (the force is the outward) (Fig.8, 9), the local gravity (the gravity among and inside galaxies, clusters and superior; the forces are inward.) (Fig.10, 17), the self-organizing force of quanta (the force is the inward) (Fig.11) and the gravity of ACU to HCU (the force is the outward) (Fig. 13, 27).
(V)The Home Cosmic Unit: Now, the human beings can observe only a small part of the HCU. The HCU only is a very common unit in the cosmos. (fig.7, 15, 28)
III. Developing Phases of the Human Being (If it is compared to an individual developing.)
(I) Embryonic: From inorganic substance to written record for human beings.
(II) Infantile: From written record to the human beings begin to explore the space outside the Earth.
(III) Preschool: From beginning to explore the space outside the Earth to walk freely in the solar system.
(IV) Youth: From rushing out of the solar system to walk freely in the Galaxy.
(V) Adult: Form rushing out of the Galaxy to walk freely in Home Cosmic Unit (HCU).
(VI) Eternal Life: Human beings could rush out of HCU and enjoy eternal life in other cosmic units. Currently, human beings are in the transition stage from infantile to preschool periods during which the human beings begin to outstretch their feet to explore the celestial bodies except the Earth-the cradle of Human Beings, such as the Moon, Mars, Venus or even the edge of the solar system, and so on.
IV. Relationship between human beings and Gods:
( I ) Definition of God: God is the spirit of supreme wisdom mastering all the laws of nature and can transcend time and space creating lives.
( II )Possibility of Gods' existence: In terms of the Home Cosmic Unit (HCU), human beings came into being during the Earth’s 4.6 billion years according to the theory of Evolution. The Galaxy has existed for more than 13 billion years and among the stars in it, there are at least 200 billion fixed stars similar to the Sun. If we calculate the possibility not by 1 %, nor by one ten-thousandth but by one hundred-millionth there should be lives with wisdom existing in the 2000 fixed stars and their planets in the Galaxy. It is generally estimated that 1/3 of the lives have lower wisdom than human beings, another 1/3 equal wisdom and the final 1/3 higher wisdom. And then there should be about 700 stars having lives with higher wisdom than human beings. In the HCU, there are at least 100 billion Galaxies among which one hundred- millionth of them could have lives. That is, among 1,000 celestial bodies, some 300 would have lives with greater wisdom than human beings. So, in the HCU, there should be 210,000 celestial bodies having lives with higher wisdom than human beings. If just 1% of them master all the laws of nature there should be 2,100 lives with supreme wisdom. They probably could transcend time and space and create lives. If we evaluate the existence of God in terms of the infinite Cosmos, the answer is definite. (Fig.29)
( III )The origin of life on earth: There are two explanations that have caused much controversy.
1, God creationism (devising theory): As shown in the present literature on archaeology, molecular biology and genetics, 60-70% favors God creationism over evolution.
2, Evolution theory: About 30-40% of the literature is in favor of it. (Fig.30)
The author holds that evolution is the cause and process while Gods are the results, the supreme stage of evolution. Without evolution Gods are rootless; without Gods evolution is fruitless. Human beings represent a stage of considerable importance, but, they are not the final result. Now, scientific development has made it possible for human beings to do the most elementary things which only God used to be able to do, such as discovering hereditary DNA, exploring the possibility to transform DNA to cure diseases, culturing cells (the basic component of life) and even in the process of generating tissues, like muscles and epithelia, or making organs, like auricle, liver and kidney etc. Human beings have landed on the Moon and now are engaging in exploring further to Mars and beyond. There will be no limit to human beings’ future evolution. That is in the direction of Gods. It is also the crossing point of God creationism and evolution theory. This may bring evolution and Gods together. It is the direction of human beings’ endeavors instead of arguing over concepts and delaying development.
(IV) Relationship between human beings and Gods:
1. Evolution theory: It advocates conducting research on nature in a scientific way to find out laws of nature so as to master them and transform nature for the benefit and future development of human beings. It generally doesn’t accept the existence of Gods. In fact, as mentioned above, if the theory of evolution as the natural laws of the cosmos in an important, and it happens to be the best evidence of the existence of Gods, can’t believe that evolution exists only above the Earth, but also can’t think evolution exists only exist on the Earth 4.5 billion years. The theory of evolution should be a universal law of the cosmos, can such a consensus, in the infinite cosmos evolved more than God. This think should be a rational, right thinking. The atheism and monotheism are too paranoid, of course, this is also a human recognize the natural an inevitable process. Only recognize the possibility of the presence of many Gods, human beings will not be a God to fight to the bitter end; human society will have eternal peace possibilities. Humans may be united to learn from Gods, to strive to master all the laws of nature for human immortalized forever.
2. God creationism: It claims that human beings and all the objects are created by God. Human beings can only obey and respect God and adhere to all the arrangements by God. The author thinks that God or nature endows human beings with wisdom and capabilities, but how to do everything should be decided by human beings themselves. In addition to respecting God and prey for God’s help, human beings should learn from God so as to master the laws of nature and try to reach the level of God’s wisdom and knowledge for the eternal life existence of them. If they only respect and prey, it is like that God giving human beings a lifeboat but the humans get nowhere, they just remain where they are, kowtowing and preying. God can’t carry them to the lifeboat. They should act, that is, to do scientific research, research on society, the Cosmos and human’s body so as to master all the laws of nature and human’s body. Only in this way, can human beings move freely in the cosmos fending off calamities and get good luck and achieve the goal of eternal existence. Otherwise, there will be no future for human beings and they will be inevitably destroyed by natural disasters, such as, collision of celestial bodies, ruin of the Sun or the Earth. Or human beings will destroy themselves in, such as, rampant nuclear wars or massacres in germ wars, and so on. There is also the problem of time for human beings in the process of learning from God for self saving. All the goals must be achieved in time so that they can leave the Earth before it is destroyed, leave the Solar system before it is destroyed, leave the Galaxy before it is destroyed and leave the Home Cosmic Unit before it is destroyed. Otherwise, there will be no future for human beings
(V) Individual’s roles in the history of human beings:
An individual is just only a fleeting moment in the long history of human beings. Due to the endeavors of our ancestors, the ever-developing human beings should also be inherited and developed by countless offspring.
Individual’s roles in the history of human beings:
1, Throughout his whole lifetime, an individual should create, maintain and enjoy a life, harmonious and happy with the community.
2, An individual should promote, support or join in the progress of society and development of scientific research.
3, An individual should give birth to and bring up offspring as successors who strive for eternal life and existence.
Summing up the above-mentioned two kinds of viewpoints of the God creationism and the Evolution theory, the aims of human beings:
(1) Creating, maintaining and enjoying life, harmony and happiness with the community.
(2) Striving for succession, development and eternal existence of human beings.
The way to achieve the two aims is to keep society in harmony and to develop and create scientific research so as to master all laws of nature and thus attain the maximum freedom in the Cosmos.
Therefore, at present, both God creationism and evolution theory demand human beings to learn better and research for the sake of society, including harmony between human beings and nature and the inner harmony of human society, so as to enjoy realistic happiness together in society, to develop science and technology and to bring up offspring for eternal existence of human beings. For the final goal of eternal existence, both God creationism and evolution require human beings to do the same thing. Of course, there is difference in cognition. The God creationism believers hold that human beings needn’t do anything more than depend on God to enable them to achieve the goal requested by God. This viewpoint is incorrect, as has been shown by thousands of years of history. The progress of human society, improvement of life, gradual accumulation of knowledge of nature and significant improvement of mobility and freedom on the Earth are the outcome of ceaseless endeavors of human beings. Esteeming God only without doing anything can only make the mankind stay in infantile stage without any progress and even lead to destruction, such as the disappearance of Maya Civilization and Ester Island People. But it doesn’t mean that we don’t need God’s blessing. On the contrary, we rely on God’s guidance, disciplines and enlightenment.
V. Actions to be taken by human beings:
(I) Establish universal and exquisite codes of ethics and just and fair social criteria to be esteemed and executed. For the individual, it is easy to know but hard to do; for the society, it is both hard to know and to do. However, human beings, conscious of the hardship ahead, must advance and grope forward. Respect God and the doctrines of the sages and men of virtues, set up codes of ethics complying with the maximum benefit of the contemporary human beings and respect them and act accordingly. The difficulty lies in two aspects:
1, An individual may act against the codes of ethics because of his aspirations and interests. As to the codes of ethics including various religious doctrines, we are educated from kindergarten on, in elementary schools, high schools, universities and society. Thus it is easy to know that one should be honest, love mutually, respect the old, help the young, to be fair, just, modest and peaceful and true to one’s promise. However, self-interests, reputation or chances for existence may give rise to continuous conflicts and crimes.
2, Different times, societies, religions and countries may have different codes of ethics and hence, contradictions and conflicts may occur. Wars take place continuously among societies, ethnic groups, nations, religions and interest groups due to conflicts in religious beliefs, reputation, interests, cultures and nationalities. Generally speaking, this shows that human beings are still naïve and immature. Human beings’ history over the past thousands of years has witnessed strife and wars. In retrospect, few wars took place for the promotion of human beings’ progress and development. Countless wars only brought slaughters and destruction and caused retroversion. Now, the more advanced the science is, the more cruel the war. Many leaders haven’t learnt any lesson form human beings’ history of wars but only repeat the crime of the history. Along with the development of the society and the progress of science, leaders of higher codes of ethics and wisdom are needed to guide, to arrange and to distribute so as to ensure development in the right direction. Then the question arises: how to select leaders. There are already systems such as, democratic election, trials and evaluations in a party, appointment by a certain person and hereditary succession etc. or coup, seize power by force, so on and so forth, all for grabbing leadership. What is encouraging is that there are now some good models. For instance, in Europe which has experienced thousands of years’ war, the European Union has come into being for consultations among the countries to achieve consensus and unity. The United Nations has played a positive role in many ways in the past decades, though the achievements are less than expected. People have come to realize the importance of negotiation, harmony, concession, mutual benefit, win-win and all-win. At present, although there are still people and countries who resort to war, the general trend of gradual development and maturity of human beings is correct.
(II) Promote precise and beneficial scientific research and accelerate social development to move forward to eternal existence of human beings. Comparatively speaking, this is something hard to understand but easy to do.
1, Definition of Science:
(1) Broad sense: Under the condition and cognition at the time, seeking the best method to solve problem and make use is science. For example, traditional Chinese medicine is a good example. Ancestors were wild plants will be cultivated as grain, vegetables, fruits; wild animal trained to poultry and livestock, but also a good actual proof.
(2) Narrow sense: Set of methods and systems that have been developed from experiments, observation, theory and practice with Europe as its center in the past hundreds of years is the science. The development of modern science and technology brings the improvement of human health and the improvement of living standards and freedom everywhere.
2, Purpose and significance of scientific research: The purpose and meaning that more and more accurate understanding of the laws of nature in order to better adapt to the natural environment, more beautiful and improve the human condition, in order to mankind's eternal life forever.
3, The Possible results of scientific research: (1) Positive: (2) Negative:
VI. Major catastrophes and problems facing human beings and measures to be taken in response:
(I) In the nature:
1. Collision of celestial bodies
(1) Collision with the Earth: Asteroids and comets are a higher chance of collision of the earth. On July 4th, 2005 the “Deep Impact” launched by NASA succeeded in hitting Comet Tempel I. This is an important step for human beings to guard against collision of celestial bodies.
(2) Collision with the Solar system: The star distance is much larger than the diameter of stars, it is a very low probability of collision, so generally not considered collision with the Solar system.
(3) Collision with the Galaxies: The intergalactic distance galaxy diameter smaller proportion, the higher the probability of collision. See in space galaxy collided abound.
(4) Drawn by great attracter (maybe is a cosmic unit black hole) and be destroyed:
This is a part of the destruction of the Home cosmic unit. Human beings can or
can’t survive in this destruction is the key to whether mankind can be
immortalized forever.
The Earth’s motion in the Cosmos: (Fig.16)
i. The Earth revolves on its own axis 1000 mph.
ii. The Earth revolves around the Sun 67,000 mph.
iii. The Solar system moves in the orbit of the Galaxy 500,000 mph.
iv. The Galaxy flies towards the Great Attracter (in the direction of the Centaur) 1,300,000 mph with the Galaxy group. There may be the ultimate destination of the clusters of galaxies, but before this, the Milky Way might have been collision with Andromeda.
2. Change of the Sun
(1) Change of the temperature of the Sun
(2) Change of the sunspots of the Sun
(3) Change of the magnetic field of the Sun
(4) The Solar storm
3. Self-change of the Earth
(1) Reverse rotation of the geomagnetic poles: influence on growth and activities of the organisms.
(2) Change of the Earth axis and orbit: beginning and end of glacial age.
(3) Influence on the Earth crust by the motion of the Earth’s core: earthquakes, tsunamis, volcanic eruptions, the Earth cracking, mountains collapsing and upheavals of the Earth and so on.
(4) Natural differentiation of the Earth’s surface:
i. Desertification: Increase year by year while the cultivated areas decrease.
ii. Water distribution: The shortage of irrigation and drinking water gets more and more acute.
iii. Temperature change: Growing warmth makes glaciers melt and the sea level rise that submerges a land. Growing cold causes the beginning of the glacial age and extinction of many creatures. This is more horrible.
iv. Vegetation: The vegetation changes along with temperature as well as deforestation. The other way round, the change in vegetation has impact on the temperature, environment and existence of human beings.
v. Natural variation of microbes: Harmful variation will menace existence of human beings.
( II ) Human being’s behaviors:
1. Difference in religions: Mutual tolerance is needed; otherwise, there will be continuous wars. Recognize that many gods exist the possibility to dilute the concept of a God, the only way humans can truly mutual tolerance, mutual respect. Otherwise, multiple monotheistic, and believe that the other is "Evil cult" in an attempt to destroy and then quickly, in order to dominate the world, will eventually fight to the bitter end. Human internal war is endless. This is also the fundamental source of "terrorism". Mankind only to realize that the laws of nature, and to understand the meaning of God, to understand the ultimate purpose and meaning of human, dilute or abandon the concept of a God, Dear polytheism, learning to Gods, the internal unity joint efforts to grasp the laws of nature, in order to reach the realm of Gods to eternal life forever. Again, I can only say that is not the case, humans are not promising. Atheism so also made in the low-ability human arrogant, selfish, lawless, not afraid punishment. Eventually lead to moral decay, ethics disorders, outrageous, was destroyed by a natural disaster or man-made disasters. If that is the case, human beings can‘t immortalized forever.
2. Difference in cultural habits: Mutual respect is needed; otherwise there will be incessant disputes.
3. Difference in political systems: Historical evaluation is needed. Don’t resort to war to augment sufferings.
4. Scientific research and protection of human beings:
(1) Research on atomic nucleus and beyond: Until research of gravitation, graviton, non-polon and all the particles (Fig.31, 32, 33). Their quality, energy only totally clear and be human use, the human will from may be closer to eternal life forever.
(2) Research on genes (DNA, RNA etc.): Reformation and innovation of species.
(3) Research on human structure, function and spirit: Mankind must continue to study and understand their own. The body of molecules is not eternal life forever.
(4) Research on fatal microbes: To prevent it from destroying mankind.
(5) Improvement and protection of natural environment: It is very important and very complex. Ensure human survival and evolution.
(6) Research on celestial bodies and cosmos: To humans that the direction of the future. (Fig.7, 15)
VII. Goal and significance of human life:
( I )Goal of human life:
1. Individuals create and enjoy the life, harmony and happiness with the community.
2. Promotion of social progress and scientific research development
3. Giving birth to and bringing up offspring for human beings’ inheritance, reproduction and eternal existence. Eternal existence is the final goal of human beings.
(II) Significance of human life:
The greatest significance of human life lies in lifetime endeavor and contribution for either one, or two, or three of the above-mentioned items, also the enjoyment of life and happiness at the same time. To achieve eternal life and existence is the final goal for which countless individuals exert themselves and make contribution.
The realization of the final goal depends on:
1. Human beings’ efforts and harmony;
2. Gods’ guidance and help;
3. Human beings’ chance and fate.
Among the above three points, only the first one can be ensured by human beings. If efforts are made and the goal is achieved, that’s a success. This is what human beings aspire to and is their blessing. If human beings make efforts but fail to achieve their goal, their experience of existence in the Cosmos is still worthwhile, just as an individual’s life experience in the world. If human beings have the chance but do not to seize it and work hard, and instead they murder one another, it is totally impossible for them to be successful. And finally, they will be destroyed and this shouldn’t be what they expect.
Be aware of infinity of the Cosmos, usher in peace in all ages;
Promote progress of the society and strive for human beings’ eternal existence.
This is the message of this article.
It is wished that social sages, political elite, prominent academic figures and all human beings will join in the promotion, support, contribution, perfection of the colossal undertaking.
It is hoped that human beings will learn from God with their own abilities and actions to uplift their wisdom and ability to the level of God for their salvation and eternal existence.
Human beings must help themselves and then Gods will help them.
Only the people with some persons paying attention to the heaven are hopeful, while the people who are only mindful of things around their feet have no future.
( The End )
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The references mainly are used in the posters.